The Importance of Expressing Gratitude with Animals

Animals, like people, thrive when we practice gratitude. If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. —Jame Herriot Animals are excellent teachers on how to be grateful. Animals recognize and trust humans when they come from a place of gratitude, […]
Hummingbird Haiku

Bursting spring morning A joyous sunrise singing With the hummingbirds –Cathy Malkin
Mustang Musings

I recently attended a gathering that benefited the American Wild Horse Institute (AWHI). AWHI’s mission is to preserve Mustangs and educate people about their plight. Mustang Ambassadors Amore and Sol Horse-crazy since childhood, I was excited to find out there is a Mustang sanctuary located at the base of Mt. Diablo State Park in Walnut Creek, California not far from my home. […]
Remembering My Animal Muse

KC the Keeshond Will Always Be My Valentine My Animal Muse, KC Valentine’s Day is a bittersweet day for me because it’s my beloved KC the Keeshond’s birthday. I don’t really know when he was born; I rescued KC close to Valentine’s Day in 1993. It seemed fitting that this exceptional dog, who was so […]
The Gift of Sharing Your Heart with Animals

This holiday season give your animals the gift of love, peace, and joy by opening your heart chakra, which is where Animal Communication and Reiki originate. The heart chakra* is the pathway that connects you with your true spiritual nature and all living beings in the web of life. It’s through the heart, located in […]
How Mindful Living Benefits Pets

In a recent blog post, What Do Pets Really Want? I discussed how the best Present you can give your pets is your undivided Presence. Your pets appreciate and benefit when you’re able to sit quietly with them. They understand everyone wins we stay present and centered in mind and body. One way to become […]
9 Tips to Keep Pets Safe and Calm during 4th of July Week

Did you know more pets go missing over the July 4th holiday than at any other time of year? Independence Day is my least favorite holiday of the year because so many animals are traumatized by its loud pyrotechnics and fireworks displays. While it may be fun for some humans, it scares and disorients pets […]
Should Your Pets Stay or Go On Vacation?

Have you shared your summer plans with your animal family? Bodhi Packing for A Recent Vacay If you’re a pet parent making arrangements for your summer vacay, then you will need to decide whether it’s best to bring your animal family with you or leave them at home. It’s amazing how much calmer you and […]
A Sunday Hawk Encounter

“A man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest.” –Paul Simon As I gazed out my living room window on a sunny Sunday morning, a huge bird flew straight towards me. As he got closer to the window, he quickly veered off to the right and landed on my neighbor’s roof. Curious, I […]
What Do Pets Really Want?

If you could give your pet anything in the world, what would it be? A new toy or a favorite treat? A new friend? The Best Present You Can Give Your Pet Is Your Presence. It’s easy to forget your animals want something incredibly simple from you: your undivided attention in a mindful way, even […]