Mustang Musings

I recently attended a gathering that benefited the American Wild Horse Institute (AWHI). AWHI’s mission is to preserve Mustangs and educate people about their plight. Mustang Ambassadors Amore and Sol Horse-crazy since childhood, I was excited to find out there is a Mustang sanctuary located at the base of Mt. Diablo State Park in Walnut Creek, California not far from my home.  […]

Do You Talk to Your Pets?

In a recent survey about pets by Mindful Magazine, readers were asked: “Do you talk casually with your pets?”  98% of the respondents answered “yes” to the question. When Mindful readers were asked,  “What’s the hardest thing about having a pet?”  Two of their top responses were: Not understanding what their pets want or need. Not knowing […]

Should I Dress My Pet for Halloween?

Just like people, some pets like to dress up in clothing and hats.  Most animals prefer you don’t anthropomorphize them by making them wear human outfits.  You should only put a costume on your pet if they are comfortable with the idea. Out of respect for your pets’ feelings and well-being, it’s key you honor their wishes […]

9 Halloween Pet Safety Tips

Halloween can be one of the scariest and most dangerous days of the year for your pets.  Minion Pug It can be upsetting and disorienting for your pets when humans transform themselves and their animals into unworldly beings like ghosts, Minions, Rocky, or Super Woman,  And when pets get spooked by ghosts and goblins, they tend […]

Have You Checked In with Your Animal Family Lately?

When was the last time you asked your animal family how they were feeling or if they had something to share with you? Animals love to share their hearts with their humans. It makes them happy when you hear and understand their thoughts, feelings and viewpoints. This includes what’s on their mind; how they’re feeling; and […]

9 Benefits of offering Animal Reiki to your Pet

Blocked and unbalanced energy in your pet can lead to increased stress and illness. Reiki works by bringing about a deep relaxation response.  By increasing relaxation, Reiki promotes healing while decreasing stress, pain, and anxiety in your animal companions. Holistic by nature, Reiki helps with all aspects of your animal’s being, whether it’s physical, emotional, mental, […]

How Animal Reiki Works

Me offering Reiki to Bodhi Energy healing techniques, like Animal Reiki, work by releasing energetic blockages in an animal’s entire being. Blocked energy creates imbalances, which can lead to illness and disease.  By definition, Reiki is holistic in nature as it can effect an animal’s entire being: mind, body, emotions and spirit. However, it is […]

5 Animal Communication Tips

Has your animal been staring at you? Do you feel like she has something to communicate with you?  MacGuyver the Puggle loves to communicate telepathically. Animal Communication is a telepathic connection between people and animals. It’s different than verbal or physical communication because it’s done silently. All beings, including humans and animals, are animated by Spirit, and […]

Do You Have a “Heart Animal?”

The other day, I was talking with a client who had recently lost her beloved Chihuahua, Bella. As I communicated with her beautiful dog In Spirit, I asked my client, “Bella was your ‘Heart Dog,’ wasn’t she?” My client tearfully replied, “I have never heard of the term, ‘Heart Dog.‘  But now that you say […]

Many Benefits of Reiki for Animals and You!

This chart outlines some of the many benefits of Reiki. Reiki heals animals and humans alike. Animals love Reiki because it’s gentle yet non-invasive. In my experience, animals clearly recognize the healing benefits of Reiki and love it when Reiki is offered to them. So what are you waiting for? Thank you Kathleen Prasad and […]

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5 animal Communication Tips for Pet Parents

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