
Calming Your Pet’s Summer Anxiety (and yours!)

Sunshine, household visitors, vacays, and…anxious pets? 

Is your pet suffering from the summertime blues?

Summer can bring fun and adventure, but routine changes, thunderstorms, and fireworks can cause stress and distress for our animal families, leaving them feeling anxious and unsafe. 

There are simple ways to help your pet feel safe and calm this summer, which can also be an excellent opportunity to deepen your mutual understanding, trust, and heart connection.

Tips to help your animal family feel safe instead of experiencing the summertime blues:

  • Stay calm yourself. Your pet mirrors your emotions, and your calm energy will help your pet feel safe and grounded.
  • Learn about their anxieties: Explore your pet’s perspective with the help of a professional animal communicator. The more you learn about their triggers and what they need to feel safe, the easier it is to help them. 
  • Create a peaceful space: During summer chaos, offer shade, water, and quiet areas. Consider meditating with them. 


Understanding Your Pet’s Anxiety:

Like us, pets can experience a rollercoaster of emotions and reactions, especially during summer. Anxious feelings can make animals feel overwhelmed, isolated, and hopeless. While anxiety serves a purpose by helping us to respond rapidly to real threats, it can also become an unwelcome intruder in our lives because our animals can feel panicky or fearful even when there are no threats or danger. 

Summertime noises and unexpected events like fireworks or thunder can cause severe anxiety in some animals. This anxiety can lead to destructive behaviors such as chewing, pacing, or even having accidents indoors.

The Power of Calm:

Mindfulness practices can help us breathe through difficult situations, like when our animals melt down during thunderstorms. 

The key to helping your pet is understanding the differences between anxiety and feeling calm and peaceful before they begin to spiral. 

By calming your mind and creating a peaceful inner environment, you can help your pet separate the “useful” fear from the overwhelming anxiety. 

You can achieve this through various practices:

  • Mindfulness Meditation: Focusing on your breath and feeling your feet connected to Mother Earth helps keep you calm and grounded. Remaining calm during stressful times can create a sense of security for your pet because you can mirror each other’s emotions.
  • Animal Communication: Understanding what your pet feels through animal communication can help you identify their specific anxieties and triggers and address them directly.
  • Reiki Relaxes Your Pet: Reiki is a gentle energy healing technique akin to meditating with animals. When offered to your animal, it can promote relaxation and reduce stress in both you and your animal family.

Let’s make summer enjoyable for both of you!

Want to learn more about creating more peace and calm for your animal? Download the FREE Ultimate Pet Meditation Guide.

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Hi, I'm Cathy

Animal Musings are my stories about talking with animals telepathically and sharing animal Reiki.

I’m passionate about helping animals and humans create mutual understanding and respect with my experience and knowledge as an Animal Communicator, Animal Reiki Master Teacher and Humane Educator. 

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